Ponsoonops frio, new species

Figures 157–163

TYPE: Female holotype from leaf litter at Estación Rancho Frío, Pirre, Parque Nacional Darién, Darién, Panama (Jul. 30 – Aug. 8, 2002, R. Miranda, A. Santos), deposited in MIUP (PBI_ OON 37746).

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Female resembles those of P. pansedro in having a distinctly W-shaped large genital plate in combination with a short posterior genitalic process (fig. 163). It differs in having the enlarged tip of the anterior genitalic process broader than the process length (rather than narrower than the process length), and in having the posterior genitalic process reaching more posteriorly than the large genital plate (rather than not reaching the posterior rim).

MALE: Unknown.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 37746, figs. 157–163): Total length 1.55. Abdomen with distinct lateral stripes. Leg spination: tibiae: I p1-1-0, v4-2-2; II p0-1-0, v4-2-2; IV p1-1-0, v0-0-2, r1-1-0; metatarsi: I, II p1-0-0, v2-2-2; IV p1-1-0, r1-1-0. Large genital plate W-shaped, distinct lateral extensions, median protruding part trapezoidal, wider than long; anterior genitalic process narrowly stalked, apex distinctly enlarged, broader than process length (whole process and plate are broken off in fig. 163); posterior genitalic process oval without remarkable duct, weakly sclerotized.


DISTRIBUTION: Panama (Darién).