Speocera bukittinggi Li & Li sp. nov. (Figs 14–15, 55G)

Material examined. Holotype ♂ (IZCAS), Indonesia, Sumatra, West Sumatra Province, Bukittinggi, near entrance of Tarang Cave (0º12.653′S, 100º24.977′E), elev. 877 m, 13.V.2014, leg. Z. Yao. Paratype 1♀ (IZCAS), same data as holotype.

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the type locality; noun.

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to S. transleuser Deeleman-Reinhold, 1995, but males can be distinguished by the pyriform shaped palpal bulb (Figs 14A–B), the long, dark embolus and plate-like associated sclerites (Fig. 14D) and the female by the strongly curved, long afferent spermathecae (Fig. 15B). S. transleuser males have a nearly flattened palpal bulb and a very small embolus, and females have slightly curved afferent spermathecae (Deeleman-Reinhold, 1995: figs 257–260).

Description. Male. Total length 0.89; carapace length 0.44; carapace width 0.37; abdomen length 0.45; abdomen width 0.38. Prosoma: carapace pyriform, narrowing gradually anteriorly; light yellow, strongly suffused with purplish pattern (Fig. 15C); pars cephalica flat; fovea not visible. Sternum light yellow, suffused with purplish color, longer than wide. Endites light yellow suffused with purplish tinge; with serrula; labium light yellow suffused with purplish tinge. Clypeus nearly vertical; short. Chelicerae light yellow; promargin with a series of six teeth reaching the lamina; retromargin with two small denticles (Fig. 55G). Eyes: six contiguous eyes surrounded by black pigmentation; PME smallest, PLE largest (Fig. 15C). Opisthosoma oval; purplish. Legs light yellow; leg formula 4123; leg lengths I 1.56 (0.45, 0.11, 0.45, 0.31, 0.24); II 1.44 (0.42, 0.11, 0.40, 0.30, 0.22); III 1.27 (0.36, 0.13, 0.31, 0.28, 0.20); IV 1.67 (0.49, 0.12, 0.47, 0.38, 0.23). Genitalia (Fig. 14). Palpal femur long; palpal tibia strongly elongated, about 2.5 times as long as cymbium (Figs 14A–B). Cymbium conical, without prolateral extension. Bulb pyriform, much longer than wide. Embolus long, dark and basally with associated platelike sclerites; sperm duct wide initially, gradually narrowing distally (Fig. 14D).

Female. Total length 0.92; carapace length 0.43; carapace width 0.38; abdomen length 0.47; abdomen width 0.42. Similar to male in color and general features (Figs 15D–E). Leg lengths I, II, IV missing; III 1.18 (0.31, 0.13, 0.30, 0.25, 0.20). Genitalia. Internal genitalia with afferent spermathecae long, curved, not extending past the sides of the abdomen (Fig. 15B); spermathecae large, amorphous (Fig. 15A).

Distribution. Known only from the type locality.