Clubiona fanjingshan Wang, Chen & Zhang ZS, sp. nov. (Figs 4A–B, 5A–C)

Material examined. Holotype ♂, China, Guizhou, Fanjing Mountain Reserve, between Jinding and Huixiangping, 1.VIII.2001, J.X. Zhang & Z.S. Zhang leg. Paratype. 1♂, Mianxuling 27°54.54′N, 108°39.83′E; elev. 1974 m), 13.X.2014, C. Jin & Z.Z. Gao leg.

Etymology. The specific name refers to the type locality (Mt. Fanjing is read as Fanjingshan in Chinese); noun.

Diagnosis. Male of the new species is similar to that of C. subapplanata Wang, Chen & Zhang ZS, sp. nov. (Figs 14A– B, 15A, C–D), but can be distinguished by the wider than long RTA, the absence of VTA, the wide and arc-shaped conductor, and the slightly curved embolus (Figs 4A–B, 5B–C) (as long as wide RTA, narrow apex of conductor and strongly curved embolus in C. subapplanata Wang, Chen & Zhang ZS, sp. nov.).

Description. Male (Fig. 5A). Holotype total length 6.13. Carapace 2.67 long, 1.93 wide; abdomen 3.45 long, 1.68 wide. Carapace yellowish brown. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.11, ALE 0.14, PME 0.12, PLE 0.13; AME–AME 0.12, AME–ALE 0.05, PME–PME 0.24, PME–PLE 0.16, ALE–PLE 0.08. MOA 0.38 long, front width 0.35, back width 0.49. Clypeus height 0.09. Chelicerae yellow brown, with 4 promarginal and 5 retromarginal teeth. Pairs of ventral spines: Tibia I 3; Metatarsus I 1; Tibia II 3; Metatarsus II 1. Leg measurements: I 7.43 (2.13, 2.90, 1.50, 0.90); II 7.86 (2.20, 3.03, 1.77, 0.86); III 6.71 (1.93, 2.20, 1.73, 0.85); IV 8.99 (2.50, 3.01, 2.63, 0.85). Leg formula 4213. Abdomen yellowish brown.

Male pedipalp (Figs 4A–B, 5B–C). Femur without apophysis. Tibia with 2 apophyses, RTA wide and short, LTA small, close to the base of tibia, proximad. Conductor wide, transversal, arc or band-shaped, prolaterad, tip distad. Embolus located distally, with sharply pointed, ventrad tip. Sperm duct long, forming a circular loop in proximal half, gradually tapering toward the base of embolus.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality, Guizhou, China.

Comment. The new species belongs to the C. corticalis -group.