Aleochara (Xenochara) peeziana LOHSE, 1961 (Figs 172-175)

Aleochara peeziana LOHSE, 1961: 187 f.

Type material examined:

Lectotype ♂, present designation [dissected prior to present study]: " I. S.Tir. Brixen, Tschötscher Heide, 17.IX.63, Peez / Aleochara peeziana Lohse / Holotypus [sic] / Aleochara peeziana / Lectotypus Aleochara peeziana Lohse, desig. V. Assing 2009 / Aleochara peeziana Lohse, det. V. Assing 2009" (MHNG).

Additional material examined:

Norway: A ♂, Finnmark, Pasvik-Järvi, VII.1944, leg. Nietsch (NHMW).

Finland: A ♀, Rovaniemi, V.1943, leg. Nietsch (NHMW); 1 ♀, Helsingfors, leg. Nietsch (NHMW).

Denmark: A ♂, 2 exs., locality not specified, leg. Suenson (NHMW).

Germany: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Niedersachsen, Helmstedt env. (NHMW, cAss); 1 ♀, S Braunschweig, rotting leaves, 4.XI.1964, leg. Schuster (cAss).

Switzerland: 1 ♂, Graubünden, S Santa Maria, Umbrailpass, 2300 m, marmot dung, 30.IX./ 5.X.1988, leg. Wunderle (cWun); 1 ♂, Valais, Bürchen, leg. Ziegler (NHMW).

Austria: Kärnten: 1 ♀, Niedere Tauern, Tamsweg, 1200 m, cow dung, 23.VII.1991, leg. Assing (cAss); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Dobratsch, VIII.1903, leg. Schatzmayr (NHMW, cAss); 1 ♂, Aichwaldsee, 20.VII.1956, leg. Mandl (NHMW); 1 ex., Hochobir, leg. Schweiger (NHMW).

Italy: 1 ex., Trentino-Alto Adige, Pozza di Fassa, Malga di Crocifisso, 1300 m, VII.1961, leg. Bilardo (NHMW); 1 ex., Veneto, Alpi Lessini, leg. Breit (NHMW); 1 ex., Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Pontebba, leg. Manderek (NHMW); 2 ♂♂, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Ampezzo, leg. Breit (NHMW, cAss).

Czech Republic: 2 exs., Praha, leg. Skalitzky (NHMW, cAss).

Slovenia: 1 ♀, Maribor (NHMW).

Russia: A ♂, Kaliningrad ["Königsberg"] (NHMW).


LOHSE (1961) described A. peeziana as a nomen novum (" A. peeziana n. n.") for Scheerpeltz´ interpretation of A. lanuginosa GRAVENHORST [sic], based on the "Cotypen von Brixen" [sic] and on an unspecified number of syntypes from the "Karawanken" collected by himself and by other coleopterists.

The species has been reported from various localities in the Alps, from Scandinavia, and even from Armenia (LIKOVSKÝ 1971, 1974; PALM 1972; SMETANA 2004). It is here reported from Denmark, northern Germany, Slovenia and Russia for the first time. The record from Armenia requires confirmation. Based on the similarly derived morphology of the median lobe of the aedeagus (membranous base of capsule, very long, slender, and acute ventral process, position of crista apicalis, apical structures of the internal sac), A. peeziana is closely related to A. lygaea. For illustrations of the genitalia see Figs 172-175.