Dichopygina bernhardi Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004, stat. rev.

Dichopygina bernhardi Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004: 110 (key), 113 (figs 5A–H), 115. Type locality: Japan, Hokkaido, Tomakomai.

Material examined. China. 1♂, Liaoning, Laotudingzi Nature Reserve, sweep net, 13 August 2015, leg. Feilong Chen (SCILA007-16) (ZAFU); 1♂, Shaanxi, Zhouzhi, Houzhenzi, Old Town of Protected Areas, Jingyang Guesthouse (33°48' 09″N, 107°44'49″E; elev. 1797 m), light trap, 19 August 2014, leg. Lan Ye (SCILA008-16) (ZAFU). Norway. 1♂, Hedmark, Elverum, S Starmoen, yellow-pan trap, 01–06 September 2014, leg. Kjell Magne Olsen (SCINO736-15) (CBFO). Canada. 1♂, Northwest Territories (65.2791°N, 126.83°W), 12 August 2014, leg. S. Behrens & R. Popko (GMORK2686-15) (BIOG).

Diagnosis. The species is distinguished by the longer basalmost megasetae with 10–13 megasetae and larger wing length of 1.4–1.7 mm (Vilkamaa et al., 2004).

Description. See Vilkamaa et al., 2004.

Remarks. This species has a wide distribution, which was originally recorded in Japan and is new to China and Norway. The Chinese specimens examined, show some slight differences from the original description that length/width of 4th flagellomere 2.08–2.13, R 1/ R 0.61–0.72 in the Chinese specimen, while length/width of 4th flagellomere 1.65–1.90 and R 1/ R 0.75–0.95 in the type series.

Distribution. China (Shaanxi, Liaoning), Norway, Czech Republic, Sweden, Russia, Japan, Canada (Vilkamaa et al., 2004; Heller et al., 2009).