Muscina stabulans (FALLÉN, 1817)

New locality record for Nightingale Island.

First recorded by FREY (1954: 43-44) from Tristan Island. Additional records are reported by BAIRD (1965: 426) and HOLDGATE (1965: 397).

Cosmopolitan in distribution. Adults are synanthropic. Larvae are saprophagous at first, becoming facultative carnivores later; they breed in decaying animal and vegetable matter, though apparently not excrement, and are recorded as parasitoids of other insects and as occasionally causing myiasis in higher mammals.

Four male specimens collected at Nightingale Island in 2005.

NIGHTINGALE, East Landing area below shacks, coastal boulders with penguin colony and tussock, 37°25'09"S 12°28'44"W, Malaise, 1.iv.2005, site 1, sample 1, C. HÄNEL, 4 ♂♂ (alcohol).