Amphisbaena gonavensis Gans and Alexander

Amphisbaena innocens gonavensis Gans and Alexander, 1962: 111. TYPE LOCALITY: ‘‘ Point à Roquettes, Gonave Island, Haiti’ ’. Holotype: YPM 3384. Paratypes: MCZ 25549 (Petite Gonave); YPM 3385–3389; USNM 10168 (Gonave).

DISCUSSION OF FORM: R. Thomas (1965b: 1). See also Cusumano and Powell (1991, diet), Henderson and Schwartz (1984, identification), Henderson et al. (1984, identification), Powell (1992, distribution), Schwartz and Henderson (1991), Schwartz and Thomas (1975, distribution), and Thomas and Thomas (1978, ecology).

RANGE: Gonave and Petite Gonave, Hispaniola.