Camptoscaphiella taplejung Baehr, new species

Figures 188–189, 343–352; map 5

TYPE: Female holotype, from Nepal, Taplejung District, ridge Lasse Dhara and pasture Lassetham NW of Yamputhin, 3000 m, 27°29′ N, 87°51′ °E (6–7 Sep 1983, J. Martens, B. Daams), deposited in SMF (PBI_ OON 15760).

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the district of the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Females can be separated from all other species by epigastric area with a large, almost square median plate and a small thornlike anterior sclerite close to epigastric fold and a long, narrow sinuous copulatory duct with broadened tip reaching far beyond posterior groove.

MALE: Unknown.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 15760, figs. 343–352): Total length 1.79. Carapace yellow-brown, lateral margin undulate. Eyes: ALE 0.090; PME 0.079; PLE 0.085, ALE largest, ALE circular, PME squared, PLE oval; posterior eye row procurved from both above and front; ALE-PLE touching, PME touching throughout most of their length, PLE-PME touching. Sternum chelicerae, endites, and labium yellow. Abdomen oval, dorsal scutum yellow-brown, covering 12 to 34 of abdomen, more than 12 to most of abdomen width, not fused to epigastric scutum. Epigastric and postepigastric scutum yellow-brown, widely hexagonal, only around epigastric furrow. Legs: femur I with 2 prolateral spines. Epigastric area with large, almost square median plate and thornlike anterior sclerite; copulatory duct long, narrow, sinuous with broad tip reaching far beyond posterior groove (figs. 188–189, 352).


DISTRIBUTION: East Nepal south of the Kanchenjunga massif (map 5).