Buchholtz, Emily A.Schur, Stephanie A.2004Figure 7 in Vertebral osteology in Delphinidae (Cetacea)10.5281/zenodo.5429022Figure 7. Neural spine inclination (NSI) at different locations along the column in four delphinid species: Orcinus orca, AMNH 34276, total count = 53; Sotalia fluviatilis (MCZ 7097, vertebral count = 54); Tursiops truncatus (MCZ 7899, vertebral count = 62+); Lagenorhynchus acutus (MCZ 60939; vertebral count = 82). Note that the position of the synclinal point (arrows) is more posterior in species with higher counts, and that Orcinus does not exhibit syncliny.NSI12011010090807060504030ANTERIORPOSTERIORSotaliaOrcinusTursiopsLagenorhynchusorcafluviatalistruncatusacutus