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Published September 3, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Absolute reactive cross sections for the reactions of methanimine radical cation (H2CNH+) and its isomer aminomethylene (HCNH2+) with C2H2

  • 1. University di Trento
  • 2. University of Trento
  • 3. Stockholm University
  • 4. Université Paris Saclay; Synchotron SOLEIL
  • 5. Université Rennes
  • 6. J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry


Data curator:

  • 1. University of Trento


This dataset contains the data in text format (.txt files) of the experimental absolute cross sections (with error) for the various products of the reactions of H2CNH+ and HCNH2+ with C2H2. Absolute cross sections are reported as a function of the collision (ECM) at fixed photon energies (Ephot) and as a function of the photon energy at fixed collision energies. 

The data are published (as Fig. 2-5) in the following original research paper:

Title: Experimental and computational studies on the reactivity of methanimine radical cation (H2CNH+.) and its isomer aminomethylene (HCNH2+.) with C2H2

Journal: Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science - Astrochemistry

Research Topic: Exploring the Chemical Universe

Editors: Piero Ugliengo, Luca Bizzocchi, Ankan Das


We are grateful to the DESIRS beamline team for their assistance during the synchrotron measurements and to the technical staff of SOLEIL for the smooth running of the facility under projects n◦ 20180118 and 20190249. This work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme "Astro-Chemistry Origins" (ACO), Grant No 811312. WG thanks the Swedish Research Council for a project grant (grant number 2019-04332). MP and JZ acknowledge support from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (grant No. LTC20062). VR acknowledges funding for a PhD fellowship from the Dept. Physics, University of Trento. JCG thanks the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) for a grant.


Abs CS data HCNH2+ H2CNH+ plus

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ACO – AstroChemical Origins 811312
European Commission