Cassida tetraptera Gerstaecker, 1884

Cassida tetraptera Gerstaecker 1884: 63.

Type Localities. “[Kenya / Tanzania:] Massai (Auch von Bagamojo [Tanzania: Bagamoyo] vorliegend)”.

Data Available in Gebien (1907). “ 1 Ex. Massailand. G. A. Fischer leg. Georg. Ges. ded. 1884 (Nach Spaeth syn. mit Aspidomorpha 4maculata Ol.)”.

Current Status. Synonym of Aspidomorpha (s. str.) nigropunctata (Klug, 1835).

Remarks. The number of specimens used for description of this taxon was not specified by Gerstaecker (1884). However, he must have had at least two, as two localities were mentioned.