Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Amemboides pilifer Zettel, Yang & Tran 2007


Amemboides pilifer (Zettel, Yang & Tran, 2007)

(FigS. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 38, 39, 47, 55)

Amemboa (Amemboides) pilifera Zettel, Yang & Tran, 2007: 226.

Amemboides pilifer (Zettel, Yang & Tran, 2007); Tran & Polhemus 2009: 51.

Material examined. CHINA, Yunnan Prov.: 1 apterouS male, 1 apterouS female, Lvchun County, HuanglianShan Nature ReServe (23°03'N, 102°04'E), 22 IV 2011, coll. Rui Wang (NKUM).

Remarks. ThiS SpecieS waS originally deScribed from two localitieS in China and LaoS (Zettel et al. 2007). PreSented here iS the firSt record of the apterouS form of A. pilifer. MaleS of thiS SpecieS can be diStinguiShed by the following characteriSticS: the genital Segment iS long and Slender (Fig. 12); the male paramereS are Simple, Straight, and bar-Shaped (Fig. 39); and the pygophore poSSeSSeS long and very denSe piloSity on each Side (FigS. 27, 32).

Description. Apterous male (FigS. 2, 12). Colour: ground colour browniSh, with moderately contraSting yellowiSh brown markingS on dorSum; head vertex with wedge-Shaped browniSh markingS medially, ventrally yellowiSh, clypeuS and labrum brown, roStrum yellowiSh brown with black apex, antennae yellowiSh, apiceS of antennomereS I–III blackiSh. Pronotum with diStinct pale median Stripe, marginS with light yellow oval-Shaped markingS; lateral margin and Submedial area with expanded faint browniSh or infuScated markingS. Metanotum dark brown, covered with golden pubeScence. LegS yellowiSh with apiceS of femora, tibiae and tarSi infuScated, Silvery SpotS on meSo- and metaacetabula. Abdomen dorSally yellowiSh brown with Scattered golden pubeScence, ventrally yellowiSh, abdominal terga I and II darkeSt; Segment VIII and pygophore yellowiSh, each weakly infuScated apically. Structural characteriSticS: body length 4.65, body width acroSS meSoacetabula 1.52, body elongate, bearing Short, golden or Silver, appreSSed pubeScence; head directed forward, head length: 0.71, head width: 0.91, head width about 1.28 timeS length; eyeS large and globoSe; lengthS of antennal SegmentS I–III: 1.02, 0.94, 1.14; pronotum width: 1.04, length: 0.56, about 1.85 timeS aS wide aS long; meSonotum about 2.6 timeS aS long aS metanotum; fore femur moderately incraSSate; middle tarSuS about 0.39 timeS tibial length; hind femur Shorter than middle femur; hind tibia Shorter than hind femur; pretarSuS inSerted Slightly before apex of laSt tarSal Segment; lengthS of leg SegmentS (femur, tibia, tarSuS): fore leg: 1.51, 1.54, 0.30 (0.12+0.18), middle leg: 3.85, 2.46, 0.96 (0.70+0.26), hind leg: 3.07, 1.58, 0.53 (0.32+0.21); abdominal Sternum VII with deep, roundiSh emargination at middle of hind margin. Male genitalia: abdominal Segment VIII Shorter ventrally than dorSally, length: 0.91, width: 0.36, about 2.53 timeS aS long aS wide, poSterior margin with Short, erect, browniSh hairS (FigS. 17, 22); poSterior margin of pygophore rounded, poSterolateral margin with long and very denSe piloSity on each Side (FigS. 27, 32); proctiger elongate and Simple, without lateral projectionS (Fig. 38); paramere Simple, Straight bar-Shaped, tapering toward rounded apex (Fig. 39).

Apterous female (Fig. 7). Similar to male in general Structure and coloration with following exceptionS: body Slightly longer and wider than male; body length 4.83, body width acroSS meSoacetabula 2.02; head length: 0.71; head width: 1.00; about 1.41 timeS aS wide aS long; lengthS of antennal SegmentS I–III: 1.12, 1.16, 1.25; pronotum width: 1.16, length: 0.55, about 2.11 timeS aS wide aS long; meSonotum about 3.2 timeS aS long aS metanotum; fore femur relatively Slender; lengthS of leg SegmentS (femur, tibia, tarSuS): fore leg: 1.82, 1.72, 0.32 (0.10+0.22), middle leg: 4.10, 2.79, 0.99 (0.31+0.68), hind leg: 3.42, 1.94, 0.71 (0.39+0.32); connexival corner of lateroSternite VII obtuSe and Slightly rounded, hind margin of abdominal Sternum VII viSible in dorSal view (Fig. 7); hind cornerS of abdominal tergum VIII with tuftS of hairS.


Published as part of Ye, Zhen, Polhemus, Dan A. & Bu, Wenjun, 2017, Review of the genus Amemboides Polhemus & Andersen, 1984 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae) from China, with description of a new species, pp. 401-410 in Zootaxa 4286 (3) on pages 402-403, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4286.3.7,


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Zettel, Yang & Tran
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Amemboides pilifer Zettel, 2007 sec. Ye, Polhemus & Bu, 2017


  • Zettel, H., Yang, C. M. & Tran, A. D. (2007) Two new species of Amemboa subgenus Amemboides (Heteroptera: Gerridae) from China and Laos. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 55, 223 - 229.
  • Tran, A. D. & Polhemus, J. T. (2009) Two new species of the genus Amemboides Polhemus & Andersen, 1984, stat. nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Gerridae) from Vietnam. Zootaxa, 2216, 49 - 56.