Published December 9, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Deronectes nilssoni Fery & Wewalka 1992

  • 1. Department of Entomology, National Museum, Kunratice 1, CZ- 148 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic; e-mail: jiri _ hajek @ nm. cz
  • 2. Kosmonautů 359, CZ- 460 05 Liberec, Czech Republic; e-mail: stastnyj @ jergym. cz
  • 3. Kpt. Bartoše 409, CZ- 530 09 Pardubice, Czech Republic; e-mail: milanb @ seznam. cz
  • 4. Räuschstrasse 73, D- 13509 Berlin, Germany; e-mail: hanfry @ aol. com


Deronectes nilssoni Fery & Wewalka, 1992

Material studied. IRAN: 1 ♀, ‘IRAN KOPPE DAG [= Kopet Dag Mts.], prov. Khorasan [Razni] 2200 m, Emamqoli [ca. 37°25′N, 58°31′E] env. Cheveli, lgt. Orszulik 22.5.2003 ’ (NMPC). 8 specimens, ‘IRAN, 21.-22.V.2006, Khorasan Razni prov., 5 km W AMIR ABAD, (river valley, garden; at light), 36°35,1′N, 60°00,9′E; 1030 m, Jiří Hájek & Pavel Chvojka leg.’ (NMPC). 52 specimens, ‘IRAN, 23.-24.V.2006, Khorasan Razni prov., 2 km S DOR BADAM, (steppe, stream valley; at light), 37°28,7′N, 58°28,7′E; 1575 m, Jiří Hájek & Pavel Chvojka leg.’ (NMPC). 1 J, ‘IRAN, 24.V.2006, Khorasan Razni prov., LOWJALLI env. (stream), 37°37,1′N 57°51,2′E; 1510 m, Jiří Hájek & Pavel Chvojka leg.’ (NMPC). 24 specimens, ‘IRAN, 25.-26.V.2006, Khorasan Shamali prov., 15 km N ESHQ ABAD, (river valley; at light), 37°48,2′N 56°55,5′E; 800 m, Jiří Hájek & Pavel Chvojka leg.’ (NMPC); 3 specimens, ‘ Iran, Razavi Khorassan Prov., Sa Jahan Mts: Mareshk, 1800 m (Koppe Dag), N 36°47’51’’ E 059°32’48’’, 26.5.2006, lg. Frisch & Serri’ (MNB, CHF).

Deronectes nilssoni was described from south-western Turkmenistan and subsequently recorded also from the most north-eastern Iran. The present findings extend its distribution to most parts of Kopet Dag mountain range. In fact, it represents so far the only known species of Deronectes occurring in Kopet Dag Mts. (compare the notes under D. biltoni). Deronectes nilssoni inhabits various types of running water, like springs, small streams, and rivers (Fig. 12).


Published as part of Hájek, Jiří, Šťastný, Jaroslav, Boukal, Milan & Fery, Hans, 2011, Updating the eastern Mediterranean Deronectes (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) with the description of two new species from Turkey, pp. 463-476 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 51 (2) on page 475, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5328739


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