Dolichovespula adulterina (du Buysson, 1905)

Material examined. RUSSIA: EASTERN SIBERIA, TUVA [= TYVA] REPUBLIC, Uyuksky range, Kamennyy valley, 1000 m a.s.l., 16.vii.2003, 1 ♀, S. Vastchenko leg., L. Castro det. & coll.

Holarctic species found in most countries of northern, central and eastern Europe, Turkey, central Asia (from Kyrghyzstan to Mongolia), most regions of Siberia and the Russian Far East (from Yamalia and Novosibirsk to Chukotka, Kamchatka and Primorye), Sakhalin, Japan, Canada and the United States (CARPENTER & KOJIMA 1997; DUBATOLOV 1998, 2005). It has also been mentioned by various authors from Taiwan, but STARR (1992) did not include it in his monograph, and there is yet another reason why the existence of a Taiwanese population of D. adulterina should be considered highly unlikely: the wasp has always been seen as a strictly intrageneric inquiline, and no other members of the genus have ever been recorded from Taiwan. First record from Tuva.