Published August 31, 2021 | Version v1
Book Open

Trends in vocational education and training research, Vol. IV. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET)


It’s our great pleasure to offer the 2021 edition of the VETNET ECER proceedings, ‘Trends in Vocational Education and Training Research’, Vol. IV. At the time of unprecedented challenges imposed by the COVID-19 crisis, promoting and sustaining both scientific communication and mutual learning has never been more important. As the pandemic continues to have a massive impact on face-to-face scientific communication throughout the world, the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2021), which was to take place in Geneva, Switzerland, is taking place online this year. Therefore, while meeting in person is still not possible, and we are all taking on alternative opportunities to sustain and foster active interaction and communication within our research community, and beyond.

VETNET is a network of researchers interested in exploring different aspects of VET-related research, including initial VET, continuing vocational education and training, school-based and workplace-based learning provisions. It was founded in 1996 as the second research network of the European Educational Research Association (EERA). As a research community we attach great importance to stimulating and fostering VET and lifelong learning debates, aiming to bring fresh perspectives and critical discussion of emerging issues thus contributing to multi-disciplinary research and implications for policy and practice both in Europe and worldwide.

The present edition, Trends in Vocational Education and Training Research, Vol. IV endeavours to support communication amongst researchers and to contribute to policy and practice in VET-related research in the modern world. The present edition includes more than thirty papers that provide a platform for sharing findings and identifying emerging trends for future research in Europe and beyond. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges both for individuals and society and profoundly disrupted vocational education and training around the world. The compilation of papers in this edition, while not focusing exclusively on COVID-19, provides an opportunity to reflect on current and future implications of the pandemic, specifically, exploring the ways to facilitate a more effective system of trans-national cooperation and mutual learning in order to contribute to more effective solutions for societal challenges which will continue to exist post-Covid. All papers are based on double-blind peer-reviewed abstracts that were accepted for presentation at the ECER in Glasgow. Final papers were commented by VETNET co-conveners and supported authors in revising their contributions.

It’s our great privilege to thank all the authors for their valuable contributions to this volume. As the papers demonstrate, this edition has a strong international focus and brings together research findings from multi-disciplinary perspectives, diverse theoretical backgrounds and methodological approaches. It’s our sincere hope that new and existing network members and supporters will find the papers interesting and stimulating, initiating new discussions and issues for debate.


Dr Christof Nägele VETNET chair / link convenor of VETNET    q
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Education


Dr Natasha Kersh, VETNET board member

UCL Institute of Education, Education Practice and

Society, London


Professor Dr Barbara E. Stalder, VETNET chair / link convenor

Bern University of Teacher Education


VETNET ECER Proceedings 2021.pdf

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