Hydrobaenus conformis (Holmgren, 1869)

Chironomus conformis Holmgren, 1869: 42.

Orthocladius obesus Goetghebuer, 1940: 60.

Type material examined. Orthocladius obesus: HOLOTYPE: pinned ♂, now mounted on slide, labelled: ‘ Orthocladius obesus n. sp. // type ♂ / M. Goetghebuer // type locality Abisko Lapp Sved Thienemann 1939 // R.I.SC.N.B. 18.073 / Coll. et det. M. Goetghebuer’.

Comments. The synonymy of O. obesus with H. conformis was already proposed by SAETHER (1976), even if the type material was probably not examined; the present examination of the holotype confirms the synonym.