Nymphodora gen. nov.

Type species: Mirabilicoxa fletcheri Paul & George, 1975

Species composition. Nymphodora fletcheri (Paul & George, 1975) comb. nov. (monotypic).

Diagnosis. Body 4.3 times longer than pereonite 2 width, tergits laterally expanding in marginal flanges. 5-segmented antenna 1 with bulbous terminal article, article 4 with distolateral projection. Pereopod 1 shorter, but more robust than pereopods 2–7. Pereopods 5–7 without natatory setae. Pereonites 6, 7 and pleotelson fused dorsally, pereonites 6, 7 or operculum without ventral spine or projection. Posterior margin of operculum strongly rounded. Uropods biramous, endopodite long, projecting posterior margin of pleotelson; exopodite minute.