79. Theognete broadheadae Anderson, new species (Figures 251, 268, 285)

Diagnosis. Size. Length, male, 2.61–3.20mm; female, 2.61–3.15mm. Width, male, 1.63–1.97mm; female, 1.57–1.97mm. Body stout, rounded; pronotum in male transverse, inflated, impunctate; pronotal scales scattered, fine, erect in anterior half to appressed in posterior half. Elytra with scales scattered, plumose at apex, erect, recurved; strial regions with distinct row of fine, hair-like scales; striae not impressed or punctate; basal margin in humeral region lacking tooth. Aedeagus as in Fig. 268.

Geographical distribution. México (Oaxaca).

Natural history. Collected from berlese extraction of cloud forest and oak forest leaf litter at elevations from 1575–2800m.

Derivation of specific name. Through her support of the Nature Discovery Fund at the Canadian Museum of Nature, this species is named after Sabrina Broadhead of Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada, as a gift from her mother, Jane Dragon.

Material examined. 11♂, 8♀♀ (CMNC, CWOB, ECOS, MCZC). Holotype ♂ (MCZC): MÉXICO: Oaxaca. 18.7 mi. S. Valle Nacional, 5200', VIII–11-18-1973 / A. Newton collector / HOLOTYPE ♂, Theognete broadheadae sp. nov., R.S. Anderson. Aedeagus extracted. Paratypes: MÉXICO. Oaxaca. Ixtlán de Juárez (27.3 mi. N.), 9200', 10–18.VIII.1973, A. Newton, berlese oak forest littter (1♂ MCZC). Valle Nacional (18.7 mi. S.), 5200', 11–18.VIII.1973, A. Newton (10♂, 9♀♀ CMNC, CWOB, ECOS, MCZC).

Chorological relationships. Sympatric with T. lutulenta and T. romanoi.