Austromenopon transversum (Denny, 1842)

Report: [1] Touleshkov (1960a).

Synonyms: Austromenopon pachypus Piaget [1]; Austromenopon ridibundus Denny [1].

Hosts: Larus ridibundus L. [1]; Sterna hirundo L. * [1].

Distribution in Bulgaria: Popina (Silistra Region), Chelopechene (Sofia Region) [1].

Lice of Austromenopon identified to the generic level only were reported from Actitis hypoleucos (L.), Chlidonias niger (L.), Gallinago media (Latham), Himantopus himantopus (L.), Tringa totanus (L.) and Vanellus vanellus (L.) (see Balát, 1958; Touleshkov, 1961a, 1964a, 1964b, 1974).