Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) bulgarica (Enderlein, 1936)

Helicobia bulgarica Enderlein, 1936: 100. Type locality: Bulgaria, Sliven.

Material from Sardinia. C01: 23.V.2006, 1\0; 8.IX.2006, 1\0. C26: 11.VII.2006, 2\0; 15.VII.2006, 1\0; 16.VII.2006, 1\0. C33: 13.VII.2006, 0\2. C34: 12.VII.2006, 1\0. C42: 17.VII.2006, 4\0. C44: 13.VII.2006, 6\2; 16.VII.2006, 9\4; 17.VII.2006, 0\1. S1: 18.IV–2.V.2006, 1\0; 2–16.V.2006, 0\1; 13–27.VI.2006, 2\1; 11– 25.VII.2006, 1\0; 8–22.VIII.2006, 1\0; 22.VIII–5.IX.2006, 1\0. S2: 30.V–13.VI.2006, 2\0; 13–27.VI.2006, 1\0; 27.VI–11.VII.2006, 1\0; 11–25.VII.2006, 3\0; 12.VII.2006, hn, DA MB DB PC MM DW, 13\1; 8– 22.VIII.2006, 2\0; 22.VIII–5.IX.2006, 4\0; 7.IX.2006, hn, DA MB DB GN, 3\3; 3–17.X.2006, 2\0. S3: 16– 30.V.2006, 0\1; 11–25.VII.2006, 2\0; 15.VII.2006, hn, idem, 2\0; 25.VII–8.VIII.2006, 1\0.

Additional material. Italy. Abruzzi: L’Aquila prov., Cappadocia, Camporotondo, 1500 m, 23– 27.VIII.2000, MM, 1\0 (MZUR, dRR); Chieti prov.: Abetina di Rosello, hill top, 1000 m, UTM 33 T 445947 4637768, 21.V.2005, DW MB DB, 0\1; Palena, 1300 m, 19.VIII.2000, MM, 1 ♂ (MZUR, dRR); Rosello, 930 m, 17.VI.2003, PC, 0\1. Emilia-Romagna: Bologna prov., Borgo Capanne, VIII.1949, NC, 2\0 (NHRS). Latium: Rome prov.: Acilia, 21.III.1945, OC, 1\0 (MZUR); Castelporziano, Tenuta Trafusa, near Trafusina, 30.V.1997, PC, 0\1; Gerano, 24.VII.2000, MM, 1\0 (MZUR, dRR); Percile, 4.VII.2000, MM, 0\1 (MZUR, dRR); Tenuta della Cervelletta, 4.V.1999, MM, 1\0 (MZUR, dRR); idem, 22.VIII.1999, MM, 0\1 (MZUR, dRR); idem, 17.IX.1999, MM, 0\1 (MZUR, dRR); idem, 26.IX.1999, MM, 0\2 (MZUR, dRR); idem, 7.X.1999, MM, 1\0 (MZUR, dRR); idem, 9.X.1999, MM, 1\0 (MZUR, dRR); idem, 15.IV.2000, MM, 1\0; idem, 6.VIII.2000, MM, 1\0. Liguria: Genoa prov., Appennino di Genova, Nostra Signora della Vittoria, VIII.1941, GM, 1\0 (MZUR); idem, VIII.1943, GT, 1\0 (MZUR). Lombardy: Mantua prov., Marmirolo, Bosco della Fontana, 8.IV.2001, PC, 1\0. Sicily: Caltanissetta prov., San Cataldo, VIII–IX.1928, WH, 1\0 (ZMUC); Palermo prov.: Bosco della Ficuzza, Pulpito del Re, 865 m, UTM 33 S 358963 4194405, 26.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1\0; idem, Valle Cerasa, 990 m, UTM 33 S 362296 4190870, 24.VI.2005; idem, 1\0; idem, UTM 33 S 362011 4190550, 28.VI.2005, 1\0; idem, 1075 m, UTM 33 S 361516 4190767, 28.VI.2005, 0\1; idem, Parco delle Madonie, 29.VI.2005, 1\0. Tuscany: Florence, 10–18.V.1986, TP, 1\0 (ZMUC). Venetia: Verona prov.: Monte Pastello, near Monte, 5.IV.2002, PC MT, 2\0; Monte Baldo, Malcesine, Prea, 300 m, 18.V.2002, DB, 1\0.

Chorotype. European.

Italian distribution. Abruzzi, Emilia-Romagna, Latium, Liguria, Lombardy, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Venetia. Previously recorded only from Emilia-Romagna (Zangheri 1969) and mentioned generically from southern mainland Italy by Pape (1995a).

Biology. According to Povolný and Verves (1990, as Heteronychia (Spatulapica) boettcheriana (Rohdendorf, 1937)), Sarcophaga bulgarica is a snail parasite competing with S. (Heteronychia) haemorrhoa, the latter being a parasitoid of Helix sp. and Cepaea hortensis (Müller) (Gastropoda: Helicidae) (cf. Coupland & Barker 2004).

Remarks. Species identified using Pape (1987, as Heteronychia boettcheriana (Rohdendorf, 1937)) (cf. Pape 1995b). Records by Saccà and Rivosecchi (1953) of Sarcophaga haemorrhoa from Latium and Liguria refer, in part, to S. bulgarica. The species is new to Sardinia, but was already recorded from Corsica (Pape 2004a).