Waldeckia Chevreux, 1906

Ephippiphora White, 1847 a: 124 [type species Ephippiphora kroyeri White, 1847 b, by monotypy; homonym, Lepidoptera].— White, 1848: 226.

Charcotia Chevreux, 1905: 163 (homonym, Mollusca).

Waldeckia Chevreux, 1906: 13 (nomen novum).— Stebbing, 1910: 570.— Pirlot, 1936: 266.— J.L. Barnard, 1969: 368.— Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 542.— Ren & Huang, 1991: 255.— Lowry & Stoddart, 2003: 172.

Type species. Charcotia obesa Chevreux, 1905, by original designation.

Species composition. Waldeckia includes 14 species: W. australiensis (Haswell, 1879 b); W. brachycephala Ren, 1998; W. crenulata Pirlot, 1936; W. dempseyae sp. nov.; W. enoei Stephensen, 1931; W. kroyeri (White, 1847 b); W. nitens (Haswell, 1879 a); W. nudum (Imbach, 1967); W. obesa (Chevreux, 1905); W. orchospina (Hirayama, 1986) comb. nov.; W. selayarensis sp. nov.; W. tangaroa sp. nov.; W. tomiokaensis (Hirayama, 1986) comb. nov.; W. warreen sp. nov.

Remarks. The characters separating species are often subtle, particularly the shape of the posterior margin of the basis of pereopod 7 and the relative lengths of the rami on uropods 1–3. Other characters, such as the labrum, the chelation of gnathopod 2, and the posteroventral corner of epimeron 3 have distinctive states.