Ensayara entrichoma Gable & Lazo-Wasem, 1990

Ensayara entrichoma Gable & Lazo-Wasem, 1990: 721, figs 1–4.— Lowry & Stoddart, 1997: 42.

Type material. Holotype,?male, 2.2 mm, YPM 8820. Paratypes: female, ovigerous, 2.5 mm, YPM 8821; 1 specimen, 2.4 mm, YPM 8822; 1 specimen, 2.4 mm, YPM 8823; 1 specimen, 2.4 mm; 1 specimen, 1.9 mm, USNM 1081159. [Not examined]

Type locality. Cove west of Bermuda Biological Station, Ferry Reach, Bermuda, North Atlantic Ocean, living among Thalassia and red algae, 2–3 m depth.

Habitat. Unknown, 2–73 m depth.

Diagnosis. Head lateral cephalic lobe acute. Maxilla 1 palp article 2 with 4 setae. Maxilliped inner plate with 1 robust setae. Coxae 1 to 3 ventral margin with dense fringe of fine setae. Gnathopod 1 basis anterior margin smooth, not cuspidate. Pereopod 3 carpus posterior margin about as long as free proximal margin of propodus, posteroproximal margin slightly produced, subtriangular; propodus palm extremely obtuse, margin slightly convex. Pereopod 7 basis, posteroventral corner excavate. Epimeron 3 posteroventral corner acute. Uropods 1 and 2 rami without robust setae. Uropod 3 outer ramus 2 articulate, article 2 with 1.9 × width; inner ramus subequal to article 1 of outer ramus.

Distribution. Bermuda (Gable & Lazo-Wasem 1990); eastern Gulf of Mexico (Lowry & Stoddart 1997).