Salmoneus setosus Manning & Chace, 1990

Salmoneus setosus Manning & Chace 1990: 17. — Anker 2007: 32.

Material examined. 1 non-breeding specimen (cl 2.6 mm, tl 7.2 mm), USNM 136101, Mexico, Caribbean coast, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Bahía de Ascensión, central part of Nicchehabin Reef, Smithsonian-Bredin Expedition St. 72–60, 1.2–2 m (4–6 feet), leg. E.L. Bousfield, 14.IV.1960.

Description. For description and figures see Manning & Chace (1990) and Anker (2007).

Size. The specimen from Quintana Roo is immature, at cl 2.3 mm and tl 7.0 mm.

Colour in life. Unknown.

Type locality. Ascension Island, Central Atlantic.

Distribution. Salmoneus setosus was previously only known from Ascension Island in the Central Atlantic and two localities off northeastern Brazil: Atol das Rocas and Fernando do Noronha (Manning & Chace 1990; Anker 2007). The present specimen extends its range considerably into the western Caribbean Sea: Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

Ecology. Shallow reef habitats, 1–2 m; in Atol das Rocas and Ascension Island may be found in tide pools among rocks (Manning & Chace 1990; Anker 2007).

Remarks. The present specimen is clearly a subadult, but agrees reasonably well with adults of S. setosus, as illustrated by Manning & Chace (1990) and Anker (2007). The two main differences are the fewer stubby setae on the carapace and abdomen (some certainly broke off during the collection or while the specimen was handled) and a somewhat more slender major chela.