Wakarumbia kundratai sp. nov.

(Figs 9–10)

Type material. Holotype. Male, W. Sulawesi, 25 km E of Mamasa (Kalama), 1100 m, 119.28.39E 3.02.10S, 1.–3. July 2001, Bolm lgt. (LMBC).

Differential diagnosis. W. kundratai resembles W. kalamensis Bocak, 2001 and W. decepta in the brown colored pronotum. Unlike W. kalamensis this species does not have the grayish pubescence on the pronotum and elytra and has much smaller eyes. The male genitalia (Figs 9–10) have the very short tubular part and differ substantially from those of W. kalamensis, in which the tubular part occupies about one third of the phallic length. The male genitalia of W. decepta are characteristic in the straight robust basal part (compare Figs 9–10 and 3–4). Only slightly larger eyes than the eye diameter distinguish W. kundratai from most Wakarumbia species.

Description. Body medium sized, dark brown to black, only bases of femora light brown. Head small, partly hidden by pronotum. Eyes quite large, hemispherically prominent, eye diameter 1.17 times eye distance. Antennae compressed, slightly serrate, antennomere 3 1.75 times longer than width, antennomere 3– 11 gradually narrowed, apical antennomeres very slender, parallel-sided. Pronotum flat, 1.43 times wider than long, with well developed carinae, disc shining, covered with fine sparse pubescence, one fifth of pronotal length at frontal margin with dense punctures, narrow area along lateral margins with similar punctures. Elytra parallel-sided, 3.57 times longer than width at humeri, reticulate cells regular, mostly quadrate. Phallus slender, with very short tubular part, only slightly narrower in middle part (Figs 9–10).

Measurements. BL 6.56 mm, HW 1.5 mm, PL 0.81 mm, PW 1.16 mm, EL 5.35 mm, Ediam 0.41 mm, Edist 0.35 mm.

Distribution. Sulawesi, the Mamasa valley.

Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym in honour of Robin Kundrata, Czech Republic.