2. Euchaetomera oculata Hansen, 1910

Euchaetomera oculata Hansen 1910, 66, pl. X, figs. 4a–c; Tattersall W.M. 1911, 125; Tattersall W.M. 1923, 284; Illig 1930, 447–8, figs. 88–92; Tattersall W.M. 1939, 243; Tattersall O.S. 1955, 132; Pillai 1965.

Type material: none designated, syntypes in ZMUC, Denmark, reference 7614.

Distribution: Widely distributed in the Indian Ocean, (Tattersall W.M. 1911, 1939; Illig 1930; Coifmann 1936, Sawamoto & Fukuoka 2005). The specimens that were used in the original species description were collected near Papua New Guinea and Tattersall W.M. (1923) recorded the species from New Zealand waters.

Distribution in New Zealand: North of New Zealand (Tattersall W.M. 1923)

Ecology: Mesopelagic, deep water (Mauchline & Murano 1977), the species was described from an individual collected from 1536 meter deep (Hansen 1910).