1. Boreomysis rostrata Illig, 1906

Boreomysis inermis Hansen 1910, 26–27, Pl. 2, figs. 4a–c.

Boreomysis rostrata Illig 1906, 196, fig. 2; Illig 1930, 22–35 (only female); Tattersall W.M. 1951, 56, figs. 11–13; Tattersall O.S. 1955, 68 and 71; Holmquist 1956, 428–432, figs. 1 a–m; Holmquist 1957, 5, fig. 1; Birstein & Tchindonova 1962, figs. 2–4; Ii 1964, 20–33, figs. 1–4; Ledoyer 1995, 614–615; Crescenti 1997, 133–136, figs. 5.1.1 A–E & 5.1.2 A–F.

Type material: none designated, syntypes in ZMB, reference 22577.

Distribution: Widely distributed in the southern oceans, generally found south of the tropic of Capricorn (Holmquist 1957), but also occurs throughout Asia (Liu & Wang, 2000) and northward to Sagami Bay, Japan (Ii 1964).

Distribution in New Zealand: East of Cook Strait.

Ecology: Pelagic, deep water (300–1300 m) (Holmquist 1956).

Remarks: Ii (1964) described two subspecies; B. rostrata japonica and B. rostrata orientalis, and Liu & Wang (2000) recognized a third subspecies B. rostrata rostrata. The only material known from New Zealand waters are three immature specimens collected during the “Discovery” expedition and classified by O.S. Tattersall (1955) as B. rostrata. O.S. Tattersall herself cast some doubt on the species identification, but did not give suggestions on potential subspecies.