Genus Haematobosca Bezzi, 1907

Haematobosca Bezzi, 1907: 414. Type-species: Haematobia atripalpis Bezzi, 1895, by original designation.

Haematobosca alcis (Snow, 1891)

Haematobia alcis Snow, 1891: 88. Type-locality: USA, north Minnesota, in the vicinity of Lake of the Woods. Syntypes 9♂ 10♀, SEMC, 1♂, FMNH (seen), and 2♂ 1♀, MCZ (seen).

Haematobia crassipalpis Ringdahl, 1926: 102. Type-locality: Sweden, Jämtland, Mt Vällista. Holotype ♂, MZLU (Engelmark & Engelmark, 1989: 88).

Siberian records: Tomsk (Veselkin & Lobanov, 1983: 411).

General distribution: Sweden, West Siberia, and Nearctic Region.

Haematobosca stimulans (Meigen, 1824)

Stomoxys stimulans Meigen, 1824: 161. Type-locality: not stated (Germany, probably Stolberg). Lectotype ♂, MNHN (designated by Pont, 1986b: 245).

Haematobia ferox Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 388. Type-locality: France, Saint-Sauveur. Syntypes, formerly in Robineau-Desvoidy collection, now destroyed (not MNHN).

Siberian records: Middle and South Urals (Zagrebin, 1992: 59); Sverdlovskaya Oblast’: Serov, Krasnoufimsk, Talizy, Verkhovino (Zagrebin, 1987a: 231); Chelyabinskaya Oblast’, Troizkiy Rayon (Kutuzova, 1993: 74, 75); south part of Tyumenskaya Oblast’, forest steppe, subtaiga and southern taiga (Veselkin, 1966: 787); Tyumen’ and Omsk (Veselkin, 1972: 270); South Altay (Drobishchenko & Shol’, 1975: 342); Altay (Zimin, 1951: 264; Zimin & El’berg, 1970: 594); Respublika Altay (Sorokina, 2006b: 139); Respublika Tyva, 100 km N of Mongolia (Pridantseva, 1967: 828); Respublika Tyva (Tamarina & Khromova, 1980: 81); near Biysk and Altay Mts (Sychevskaya, 1978: 82); Irkutskaya Oblast’: near to Listvyanka on the western bank of Lake Baykal [as “beim Dorfe Listwenitschnoje: Padj (Tälchen) Bolschaja Tscheremschanka”] (Schnabl in Becker & Schnabl, 1926: 39); Central Respublika Sakha [Yakutiya]: Yakutsk, Khomustakh nasleg (Sychevskaya, 1972: 147); valley of River Yenisey, forest steppe: Krasnoyarskiy Kray: Minusinsk, Shushenskoe, Respublika Tyva: Kyzyl, Cherbi and taiga: Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseysk (Sychevskaya, 1974: 129); Baykal-Amur railway (Veselkin, 1981: 371); West and East Siberia (Pont, 1986a: 111).

General distribution: Palaearctic Region, from Europe east to China and the northern parts of the Oriental Region.