Kiwaidae Macpherson, Jones & Segonzac, 2005

Kiwaidae Macpherson, Jones & Segonzac, 2005: 712.

Diagnosis. Body elongate, symmetrical. Carapace smooth, without striae. Rostrum well developed, triangular. Cervical grooves clearly distinct; either side of mesogastric region with small, sharply defined pit. Abdominal somites smooth, anterolateral margin of abdominal somite 2 without anterolaterally directed spine with median transverse suture and longitudinal suture in the posterior half of telson. Sternite 3 strongly produced anteriorly to an acute point. Eyes strongly reduced, soft, not calcified, movable, unpigmented. Basal antennular article unarmed. Antennal peduncle consisting of 5 articles; acicle absent. Mandibular cutting edge chitinous, strongly serrated along its length. Maxilliped 1 with well-developed epipod; exopod flagellum not annulated. Cheliped (pereopod 1) with dense corneous spinules along distal portion of occlusal margin. Pereopod 5 inserted below sternite 7, insertion not visible ventrally. Maxilliped 3 to pereopod 4 each with 2 arthrobranchs (vestigial on maxilliped 3). Pereopod 5 without arthrobranch. Pleurobranchs absent. Male pleopods 1–5 present.

Type genus. Kiwa Macpherson, Jones & Segonzac, 2005, by monotypy.

Composition. Kiwa Macpherson, Jones & Segonzac, 2005.