Cybaeus topanga Bennett spec. nov.

Figs 52–58, 61–62

Type material. U.S.A.: California: Holotype male. Los Angeles County, Topanga Canyon, 30 June 1957 (R. Schick), in CAS. Paratypes. San Diego. 1♀, San Ysidro, no date, no collector (AMNH); 1♀, San Ysidro, 25.xii.1910, W.M. Wheeler (CAS); 1♀, San Ysidro, 25.xii.1910, W.M. Wheeler (MCZ).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

Diagnosis. The form of the distal and proximal arms of the tegular apophysis (Figs 57, 61) diagnosis the male of C. topanga spec. nov. and is discussed under the diagnosis of C. piazzai spec. nov.

Distinguishing the female C. topanga spec. nov. from those of C. orarius spec. nov. and C. tardatus is discussed under the diagnoses of those two species. The females of C. piazzai spec. nov. and C. topanga spec. nov. are distinguished by the uniform diameter of the copulatory ducts throughout their length and the unobscured Bennett’s glands (Figs 52–54) in C. topanga (versus copulatory ducts broadening posteriorly and usually obscuring the Bennett’s glands [Figs 42–43, 45] in C. piazzai spec. nov.)

Description. Tibiae and femora banded. Ventral tibia I macrosetae 2-1p-2-1p- 1p.

Male: (n=1). Patellar apophysis (Fig. 56) anteriorly directed with 25–30 peg setae. Carinate retrolateral tibial apophysis (Fig. 55) nearly as long as tibia. Distal arm of tegular apophysis (Fig. 57) broad, elongate; proximal arm (Figs 57, 61) with ventral and dorsal tips triangular, bluntly acuminate, basally directed.

Note. Holotype embolus apparently broken, lacking apical section.

Measurements (n=1). CL 2.8, CW 2.03, SL 1.35, SW 1.23.

Female: (n=3). Atrium (Figs 52–53) hooded anteriorly with area between atrial openings inverted vase-shaped, widest posteriorly, concave. Vulva (Figs 53–54) with copulatory ducts opening into atrium laterally from vulva, contiguous only at anterior end of atrium, diverging posteriorly then converging and turning anteriorly at posterior margin of vulva; spermathecal heads small dorsal lobes located medially on vulva, visible in dorsal view; spermathecal stalks narrow, relatively long. Bennett’s glands located dorso-laterally on small, rounded spermathecal bases.

Measurements (n=3). CL 3.1, 3.2, 3.3; CW 2.08, 2.25, 2.38; SL 1.43, 1.50, 1.58; SW 1.38, 1.48, 1.48.

The male came from the Los Angeles area, the females from near the Mexican border about 250 km to the south. Possibly they are representatives of two closely related species. In the absence of opposite sexes from both localities and in an effort to reduce the possibility of future synonymy this male and these females are described as one new species.

Distribution and natural history. (Fig. 62). Known only from the type locality and San Ysidro, California. The single known male (the holotype) was collected in June from under a rock