Anguilla japonica Temminck & Schlegel, 1846


Anguilla japonica Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 258 (type locality: Japan). Oshima, 1919: 263; Chen, 1956: 73; Liaw, 1960: 4; Chen & Weng, 1967: 5; Chen, 1969: 124; Shen, 1984 a: 103; Chen & Yu, 1986: 242; Shen et al., 1993: 97, fig. 14 - 5; Shao et al., 1994 a: 273; Chen & Fang, 1999: 51; Chen, 2004: 26; Lin, 2007: 82; Chen, 2009: 6; Ho et al., 2010:table 1; Chou & Kao, 2011: 34; Ho & Shao, 2011: 21, table 1; Chang et al., 2011: 1; Chang et al., 2013: 44.

Anguilla bostoniensis (not of Lesueur, 1817):? Günther, 1870: 31.

* Anguilla remifera Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 325, fig. 7 (type locality: Taiwan). Jordan & Richardson, 1909: 171, fig. 8.

Anguilla sinensis McClelland, 1843: Chen, 1956: 73.

Muraena japonica (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846): Fowler, 1932 a: 49, fig. 1.

Remarks. Günther (1870) recorded Anguilla bostoniensis based on several half-grown specimens collected from Taiwan, but their identities are not verified since whereabouts of these specimens are unknown.