Dysommina rugosa Ginsburg, 1951

Fig. 8; Table 3

Dysommina rugosa Ginsburg, 1951: 450 (type locality: off Cumberland Island, Georgia, U.S.A., western North Atlantic, 30 ° 53 '00"N, 79 ° 42 ' 30 "W, depth 273 fathoms [499 m]). Karrer, 1983: 96. Robins & Robins, 1989: 242. Smith, 1999: 1661.

Specimens examined. Collected from Dong-sha Island, South China Sea: ASIZP 57954 (1 spec., 238 mm TL), 17 Aug. 1991. Collected from Dong-gang fishing port, SW Taiwan, bottom trawl: NMMB-P 8361 (1, 258), 16 Mar. 2005. NMMB-P 11131 (1, 413), 13 Sep. 2010. NMMB-P 14012 (1, 316), 20 Oct. 2011. NSYU uncat. (2, twisted).

Other localities. Solomon Islands: MNHN 2006 -0017 (1, 350), 8 ° 16 ’ 26.4 ”S, 160 ° 4 ’ 33.6 ”E, 23 Oct. 2004. MNHN 2006 -0461 (1), 7 ° 45 'S, 156 ° 28 ' 22.8 "E, 582–609 m, 1 Nov. 2004. MNHN 2006 -0509 (1), 8 ° 16 ' 33.6 "S, 160 ° 4 ' 33.6 "E, 430 m, 23 Oct. 2004. Madagascar: MNHN 1979 -0005 (1), 18 ° 54 ’S, 43 ° 55 ’ 1.2 ”E, 24 Nov. 1973. Philippines: MNHN 1998 -0641 (1), 13 ° 49 ’ 1.2 ”N, 120 ° 49 ’ 58.8 ”E, 23 Nov. 1980. USNM 343985 (1, 362 +), 12 ° 54 ’ 29 "N, 12 ° 57 ’ 30 ”E, 376–382 m, 23 Sep. 1995. New Caledonia: MNHN 1995 -0329 (1, 140), 22 ° 6 ’S, 167 ° 10 ’ 1.2 ”E, 550 m, 3 Oct. 1985. MNHN 2003 - 1529 (1, 198), 23 ° 42 ’S, 168 ° 15 ’E, 12 Aug. 1999.

Diagnosis. Pectoral fin present; dorsal-fin origin over tip of pectoral fin, predorsal length 14.0– 17.1 % TL; anus posterior, more than 1 head length behind pectoral fin, preanal length 26.8–28.8 % TL; trunk long, trunk length 12.8–16.4 % TL; no intermaxillary teeth; 4 compound teeth on vomer; multiple rows of teeth on upper jaw and lower jaw; head pores: IO 4, SO 3, M 6, POP 0, AD 1, ST 0, F 0; lateral-line pores absent; MVF 11-28 - 136, total vertebrae 133–141.

Body light brownish dorsally, paler ventrally; dorsal and anal fins with white margin, posterior one third of anal-fin base and posterior one-seventh of anal fin black.

Distribution. Widespread in tropical Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific Oceans. Specimens examined in present study were collected at depths of 376– 609 m.