Allocladius lusciniolus Saether et Andersen, sp. n.

(Fig. 7 B–F)

Allocladius lusciniolus Saether et Andersen, 2011.

Material examined: TRISTAN DA CUNHA: 37°108′44"S; 12°326′53", Site 7, on rim, west of patches, above Molly Gulch, below Daylies hill, 2270 ft., Blechnum palmiforme -grassland mix, Malaise trap, holotype female, 15-21.ii.2005, C. Hänel (ZMBN Type. No. 422).

Diagnostic characters: This parthenogenetic species described by Saether and Andersen (2011) differs from A. wirthi by having sternite VIII with more than 20 median setae, 9–12 dorsocentral setae, LR 1 0.57–0.63, and apparently weak bulbs before the common opening of the spermathecal ducts.


The species is known from the subantarctic islands of Gough, Tristan da Cunha and Nightingale.