Accalathura Barnard, 1925: 147; Poore, 1980: 58; Poore, 1981: 57; Poore and Lew Ton, 1990: 381.
Diagnosis. Eyes present. Antennular and antennal ¯agella multiarticulate (more than ten articles). Mandibular palp of three articles, terminal article bearing comb of seven or more setae. Maxillipedal endite reaching at least article 3; palp almost as long as basis. Pereopod 1 subchelate, propodus ināted, having proximal`thumb’, palm with even row of simple robust setae; carpus with posterior margin lacking short robust setae. Pereopods 2 and 3 with propodi much less ināted than 1; carpi lacking robust setae. Pereopods 4±7, carpi slender, rectangular, with free anterior margin. Pleonites 1±5 short, free; pleonite 6 dorsally delineated. Statocyst present in telson.
Remarks. The present key to the seven species of Accalathura from the Indian Ocean can be used as a complement to Poore and Lew Ton (1990) who provided a key to the species of Accalathura from northern Australia and adjacent seas.