Stegocephalopsis mamillidacta Moore, 1992

(Figure 1, a)

Stegocephalopsis mamillidacta Moore, 1992.

Material examined. Type material: Cat. NMCC1990-0366, PARATYPE 3 mm immature, Amchitka Isl., Alaska, oOE Banjo Point (Bering Sea), 100 m, 14 September 1971.

Distribution. [274] known only from the type locality (see above).

Short description, based entirely on the paratype, to supplement Moore’s (1992) original description: epistome curved (unproduced); epistomal plate absent. Maxilla 2 outer plate setae with hooks distally. Epimeral plate 3`hip-shaped’ (see Barnard and Karaman, 1991: 682), with serrations on posterior margin. Uropod 3 outer ramus longer than inner. Urosome articulation between articles 2 and 3 absent. Telson longer than uropod 3 peduncle.

Remarks. The present species has hooked setae on maxilla 2 (see above), and the articulation between urosome segments 2 and 3 is absent, contrary to Moore’s original description. Otherwise, no major discrepancies with Moore’s description were detected during examination of the paratype. See also remarks under S. ampulla.