Published January 31, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

paperChain D05.8 - "Performance of Circular Case 3. Railway applications"

  • 1. ZAG


The project PAPERCHAIN, Demo Case 3 - Railway application aims to demonstrate technical, environmental and economic feasibility of using DPA (deinking paper ash) and DPS (deinking paper sludge) as an alternative back-fill material, instead of the traditional use of virgin - natural gravel or hydraulically bounded products, commonly used behind various retaining wall structures according to Slovenian regulations. The composite from 70 % of DPA and 30 % DPS with the name MUDIPEL was used as a back- fill material set behind a retaining wall structure made from gabions.


paperChain-D05.8-(Performance of Circular Case 3. Railway applications).pdf

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European Commission
PAPERCHAIN – New market niches for the Pulp and Paper Industry waste based on circular economy approaches 730305