Script of example R-code can be found in: "Script_JAPPL_2020_01139.R" *** Data files include: 1) Full data: "dat_FULL_JAPPL_2020_01139.csv" 2) Data filtered on species richness: "dat_SR_JAPPL_2020_01139.csv" 3) Data filtered on gadoid abundance: "dat_Gadidae_JAPPL_2020_01139.csv" 4) Data filtered on labrid abundance: "dat_Labridae_JAPPL_2020_01139.csv" 5) Data filtered on flatfish abundance: "dat_Flatfish_JAPPL_2020_01139.csv" 6) Data filtered on demersal goby abundance: "dat_Pelgo_JAPPL_2020_01139.csv" 7) Data filtered on benthic goby abundance: "dat_Bengo_JAPPL_2020_01139.csv" *** Supporting files (needed to run R-script) include: 1) Data matrix of species counts per deployment (BACI) "Mat_sp_BACI" 2) Data matrix of species counts per deployment (SLOSS) "Mat_sp_SLOSS" 3) Data matrix of site information per deployment (BACI) "Mat_sites_BACI" 4) Data matrix of site information per deployment (SLOSS) "Mat_sites_SLOSS" 5) Data matrix of vegetation coverage estimates: "Mat_veg" 6) Data matrix of spatial reef configuration dummy variables: "Mat_spat_SLOSS" The supporting files above are loaded directly in R software by running the corresponding R-code in the script (after setting the appropriate working directory), e.g. > Mat_sp_BACI <- readRDS(file = "Mat_sp_BACI") *** Definitions of variables in .csv files - Deployment: unique identifier number assigned to a camera deployment - Sequence: unique identifier number assigned to a 2-min video clip within a camera deployment - Year: sampling year (either 2016: pre-restoration or 2018: post-restoration) - Date: sampling date - Treatment: name of the treatment, i.e. Control, Single Large (SL) or Several Small (SS) - Site: name of the field site where sample was taken - Film_No.: number of camera file as assigned by each GoPro camera - Species: species identification for the observed organism - MaxN: relative abundance metric commonly used in underwater video surveys, i.e. the maximum number of individuals per species visible within a single video frame - SR: species richness count, i.e. the number of unique species observed within a 2-min video clip (applicable to "SR" dataset only) - Visibility: functional visibility in meters, i.e. visible distance from the camera as estimated by rope markers - logVis: functional visibility on the natural log-scale - Eelgrass: estimated proportion (0-1) of seabed covered with eelgrass (Zostera marina) - Algal_cov: estimated proportion (0-1) of seabed covered with macroalgae (other than eelgrass) - Lon: longitudinal coordinate of camera deployment - Lat: latitudinal coordinate of camera deployment - Time_seq: numeric denoting sequential hourly recordings within a deployment, used to define an autoregressive temporal structure in the models.