20. Cormocephalus multispinosus Attems, 1909

(Figs 31–34)

Cormocephalus spinulosus Attems, 1928a (for further synonyms see Minelli et al. 2006).

Material examined. Lesotho (Basutoland): Marena, leg. Dr. MacLean & L. Wroughton, 1 ex., BMNH 17; Namibia: Hoffnung E. of Windhoek, 1.850 m, 25/12/1933, leg. Dr. K. Jordan, 1 ex., BMNH 1934.4.25.116; Namibia: Hoffnung E. of Windhoek, 1.850 m, 30/12/1933, leg. Dr. K. Jordan, 1 ex., BMNH 1934.6.5.25-30; Namibia: Hoffnung E. of Windhoek, 1.850 m, 4/2/1934, leg. Dr. K. Jordan, 1 ex., BMNH 1934.12.4.257; Namibia: Büllsport, 1.450 m, 6/12/1933, leg. Dr. K. Jordan, 1 ex., BMNH 1934.4.25.115. (Fig. 35).

Type locality. South Africa (Northern Cape Province, Kamaggas, Little Namaqualand) (Minelli et al. 2006).

General distribution. South Tropical Africa: Angola (AO); Southern Africa: Botswana (BW), Lesotho (LS) (new region record), Namibia (ZA), South Africa (Northern Cape Province, Gauteng Province, Western Cape Province) (ZA) (Schileyko and Stagl 2004; Minelli et al. 2006).

Remarks. Synonymy of Cormocephalus spinulosus Attems, 1928a, with C. multispinosus was proposed by Schileyko and Stagl (2004) and is accepted herein. The assigned specimen from Lesotho (Figs. 31, 32) conforms to the examined material from Namibia (Figs. 33, 34) with respect to prefemoral proportions and spine arrangements.