Cyphocaris challengeri Stebbing, 1888

Cyphocaris challengeri Stebbing, 1888: 661, pl. 17.— Della Valle, 1893: 846 (key), 847.— Stebbing, 1906: 28 (key), 29.— Chevreux, 1916: 2, 6 (key), fig. 1.— Schellenberg, 1926 a: 243.— Schellenberg, 1926 b: 206 (key), 212, figs 2 d, 6–10, pl. 5 fig. 3.— Schellenberg, 1926 c: 182.— Pirlot, 1929: 7.— Schellenberg, 1929: 195.— K.H. Barnard, 1932: 36.— Pirlot, 1933: 128.— Chevreux, 1935: 21, pl. 4 fig. 1.— K.H. Barnard, 1937: 142.— K.H. Barnard, 1940: 440.— Thorsteinson, 1941: 57, pl. 2 figs 21–24.— Shoemaker, 1945: 187, fig. 1 C.— Gurjanova, 1951: 177 (key), fig. 51 A.— Birstein & Vinogradov, 1955: 212.— Schellenberg, 1955: 185.— J.L. Barnard, 1958: 91.— Birstein & Vinogradov, 1958: 220.— Birstein & Vinogradov, 1960: 168.— J.L. Barnard, 1961: 31.— J.L. Barnard, 1962: 24.— Birstein & Vinogradov, 1962: 34.— Gurjanova, 1962: 64 (key), 65, fig. 5.— Hurley, 1963: 24 (key).— Nagata, 1963: 1.— Birstein & Vinogradov, 1964: 155.—Bowman, 1967: 688.— Bowman & McCain, 1967: 1, figs 1–9.— Thurston & Allen, 1969: 358.— Birstein & Vinogradov, 1970: 420.— Yoo, 1970: 94.— Sanderson, 1973: 35.— Griffiths, 1974 a: 199.— Sanger, 1974: 3, figs 2, 3.— Griffiths, 1975: 144.— Griffiths, 1976: 58 (key), fig. 32 C.— Lowry & Bullock, 1976: 87.— Thurston, 1976: 367.— Herring, 1981: 170.— Umezu, 1984: 128.— Austin, 1985: 600.— Vermeer et al., 1987: 484.— Vermeer & Devito, 1988: 67.— Vinogradov, 1990: 40, 92.— Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 480.— Andres et al., 1992: 185 (table 1).— Brodeur & Merati, 1993: 488.— De Broyer & Jazdzewski, 1993: 67.— Ishimaru, 1994: 57.— Thurston, 2001: 684 (table 2).— Yamada & Ikeda, 2000: 933.— Yamada & Ikeda, 2001: 55.— Yamada & Ikeda, 2003: 235.— Vinogradov, 2004: 51.— Yamada & Ikeda, 2006: 156.

Cyphocaris alicei Chevreux, 1905 b: 1, figs 1, 2.— Chevreux, 1905 c: 7.— Stebbing, 1906: 717.— Strauss, 1909: 67, pl. 6 fig. 38.—Walker, 1909: 327.— Stephensen, 1915: 37.— Chevreux, 1935: 15.

Cyphocaris kincaidi Thorsteinson, 1941: 57 (key), 58, pl. 3 figs 25–30.

Type material. Holotype, 1 / 5 inch (5 mm), 4 slides, NHM 1889: 5: 15: 19, 400 miles north of Sandwich Islands; (probably = north of Hawaiian Islands, North Pacific Ocean, 30 ° 22 ’0”N 154 ° 56 ’0”W), 2950 fm (4023 m), red clay, dredge, 21 July 1875, Challenger (stn 256) (acc. to Thurston & Allen, 1969, see Bowman & McCain, 1967 who discuss the possibility that type locality being further north)

Type locality. 400 miles north of Sandwich Islands; (probably = north of Hawaiian Islands, North Pacific Ocean, 30 ° 22 ’0”N 154 ° 56 ’0”W).

Material examined. 6 specimens (2 immature, 4 ovigerous females), MNHN-IU- 2014-12001 (Paris, France), near Sainte-Suzanne, La Réunion, Indian Ocean (20 ° 50.3 ’S 55 ° 36.2 ’E), 480–675 m, pebbles, Sanders dredge, 3 September 1982, MS Marion Dufresne (MD 32 / REUNION stn DS 142).

Depth range. 0–5987 m.

Distribution. NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN. Hawaiian Islands; Nanaimo, British Colombia, Canada; Kurile- Kamchatka Trench area; Japan Trench, off south-west Hokkaido, Japan; southern Gulf of Alaska; North Pacific Polar Frontal Zone (Stebbing 1888; Thorsteinson 1941; Birstein & Vinogradov 1955, 1958, 1970; Nagata 1963; Bowman 1967; Bowman & McCain 1967; Yoo 1970; Umezu 1984; Yamada & Ikeda 2000, 2001).

SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN. Bougainville Trench, Solomon Sea; between Tonga Trench and Kermadec Trench; Nazca and Sala-y-Gomez Ridges (Schellenberg 1929; Birstein & Vinogradov 1960, Vinogradov 1990).

NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN. Between the Azores and Canary Islands; Canary Islands; west of Straits of Gibraltar; west of Cape Verde Islands; off Washington, Active Pass, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia; Bermuda (Chevreux 1905 b, 1935; Stephensen 1915; Schellenberg 1926 a, 1955; Pirlot 1929; Shoemaker 1945; Sanderson 1973; Sanger 1974; Thurston 1976; Vermeer et al. 1987; Vermeer & Devito 1988; Andres et al. 1992).

SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN. eastern South Atlantic Ocean; off western South Africa; off Gabon; Cape Basin (Schellenberg 1926 a, 1926 b; K.H. Barnard 1932; J.L. Barnard 1961, 1962).

NORTHERN INDIAN OCEAN. Southern Arabian Sea; north-west of Desroches Atoll; Straits of Moluccas, Strait of Manipa, Indonesia; off Rodrigues Island, Mascarene Islands, east of Cargados Islands, south-east of Seychelle Islands; east of Maldive Archipelago; east of Amirante Islands; Java ridge, south of Java; south of Sumatra; Error Mountain Seamount, Mozambique Channel, Walters Shoal, Saya de Malha Bank, Equator Mountain Seamount (Walker 1909; Schellenberg 1926 b; Pirlot 1933; K.H. Barnard 1937; Birstein & Vinogradov 1964; Vinogradov 2004).

GREAT AUSTRALIAN BIGHT.South Australian Basin (Birstein & Vinogradov 1962)