Episbates pederiformis (Dufour, 1835) New record

Philopterus pederiformis Dufour, 1835: 676, pl. 21, fig. 4.

Esthiopterum pederiforme (Dufour, 1835); Harrison 1916: 139.

Episbates pederiformis (Dufour, 1835); Thompson 1935b: 486, fig. 1.

Neotype ♂ in NHML (Thompson 1948c: 667).

Type host: Diomedea exulans Linnaeus, 1758.

Galápagos host: Phoebastria irrorata (Salvin, 1883).

Galápagos locality: Isla Española.

Galápagos references: This paper.

Other significant references: Harrison (1937: 27); Clay (1940a: 298); Thompson (1948c: 661, text figs 1–8, pl. 19); Hopkins & Clay (1952: 131); Timmermann (1961c: 44, figs 12–13); Timmermann (1965: 103, fig. 41, pl. 10, fig. 4); Palma (1996: 176); Price et al. (2003: 178).

Material examined: 32 males, 34 females and 51 nymphs (5 samples, MONZ).

Remarks: Timmermann (1961c: 44) listed two specimens of Episbates pederiformis from Phoebastria irrorata (as Diomedea irrorata) but did not specify any locality for them. Episbates is a new genus record for the Galápagos Islands and E. pederiformis is a new louse record for the islands. Price et al. (2003: 178) listed a number of albatross species as hosts of this louse.

Genus Fulicoffula Clay & Meinertzhagen, 1938

Fulicoffula Clay & Meinertzhagen, 1938. Entomologist 71: 279. Type species: “ Esthiopterum luridum (Denny) ” = Fulicoffula lurida (Nitzsch, 1818) (by original designation).