Actornithophilus bicolor (Piaget, 1880) New record

Colpocephalum bicolor Piaget, 1880: 561, pl. 47, fig. 1.

Actornithophilus bicolor (Piaget, 1880); Hopkins & Clay 1952: 21.

Syntypes ♀ lost (Clay 1951a: 176).

Type host: Arenaria interpres (Linnaeus, 1758).

Galápagos host: Arenaria interpres (Linnaeus, 1758).

Galápagos locality: Isla Genovesa.

Galápagos references: This paper.

Other significant references: Clay (1962: 239, 242, pl. 11, fig. 3); Price et al. (2003: 83).

Material examined: 1 female (MONZ).

Remarks: This is the first record of Actornithophilus bicolor from the Galápagos Islands, a louse recorded from the two species of Arenaria only (Price et al. 2003: 83).