Thagria constanti, sp. nov.

(Plate 1F, Figs. 36–41)

Length. Male 7.00 mm; female unknown

External morphology. Medium size, slender species. General color light to dark brown with numerous ivory to yellow markings on forewings; crown light brown with 2 short black stripes medially; eyes dark brown; pronotum dark brown, bullae dark yellow; mesonotum dark brown with 2 suffused dark yellow stripes medially, apex yellow with dark markings (Plate 1F); face light to dark brown; clypeus with several short, transverse dark, stripes on each side of middle of anterior half, elongate dark brown elongate triangular spot on middle of posterior half; clypellus light brown basally, dark brown apically. Head distinctly narrower than pronotum, anterior margin obtusely rounded; crown broad, about as wide as eyes; produced distally about ¼ of entire median length, lateral margins convergent basally, disk flat, slightly elevated; eyes large, semiglobular; pronotum large, about as long as median length of crown; mesonotum large, about 1½ times as long as pronotum; forewings typical; clypeus long, broad, lateral margins nearly parallel, excised near base of antennal sockets; clypellus short, broad, inflated in basal half, constricted in apical half, apex rounded.

Male genitalia. Pygofer in lateral view with caudoventral lobe moderately long, broad basally, slightly tapered distally, caudodorsal process moderately long, digitate (Fig. 36); segment X in lateral view with ventral process moderately long, partly concealed, membranous (Fig. 36); aedeagus symmetrical, very long, extending beyond midlength of ventral paraphysis (Figs. 37, 38); ventral paraphysis in dorsal view asymmetrical, elongate, broad basally, gradually tapered apically, with single, long lateral fold, in lateral view fold originate subbasally, extending beyond midlength (Fig. 38), in dorsal view apcx with pair of short, curved spines (37); style short, extending just beyond base of aedeagus, tapered distally (Figs. 38, 39); connective typical; dorsal connective in dorsobasal view broadly U-shaped, rami narrow, long, attached distally to lateral ventral process of segment X, stem absent (Fig. 40); subgenital plate typical, tuft of long microsetae apically, few lateral setae present (Fig. 41).

Material examined. Holotype male. Vietnam: Cuc Phuong, collecting day, 11-18-VIII-2010 /1G 31.668, Leg. J. Constant & P. Limbourg (IRSNB).

Etymology. This species is named for Jerome Constant, Collections Manager of Hemiptera, Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium, who provided much assistance during my visit in 2010 and provided material for this study.

Remarks. From triementia to which it is similar in some male genitalia features, constanti can be distinguished by the long lateral fold of the ventral paraphysis and presence of a pair of short, curved apical processes and by the tuft of long microsetae on the apex of the subgenital plate.