Procampylaspis Bonnier 1896

Type species. Procampylaspis armata Bonnier 1896.

Diagnosis after Petrescu 2006. Carapace vaulted; mandible with acute pars molaris; maxilliped 1 of 5 articles; maxilliped 2 dactylus with multiple teeth directed medially, sometimes called “rake-like” (Petrescu 2006); pereopod 1 with ischium as long as merus.

New Zealand species. Procampylaspis chathamensis n. sp., P. rhypakoceros n. sp., P. rhypako s n. sp.

Remarks. Procampylaspis is readily distinguishable from all other nannastacids by the form of maxilliped 2. The single large dorsal spine on the carapace is a common feature in Procampylaspis, and is found in P. chathamensis and P. rhypakoceros in New Zealand, but not all Procampylaspis species have the spine.