Eoophyla interopalis n. sp.

Type locality: Malawi, Lilongwe District.

Imago (Fig. 41): Wingspan 10–14mm. Head fuscous, white laterally; labial palpus segment 3 pointed, whitish, segment 2 with fulvous scales; maxillary palpus slender. Thorax dark fuscous; tegulae with paler edges. Forewing ground colour white, base dark fuscous partly suffused dull orange; an oblique orange antemedian fascia from dorsum extending 2/3 across wing, then becoming dark fuscous; median area scattered with dark fuscous scales bounded by a dark zigzag line; a dull orange orbicular spot; an oblique grey costal strigula and a silver grey tornal spot; second costal strigula orange, edged dark fuscous; termen yellow inwardly edged by a fine black line, a small black apical spot and five small black dots along termen; cilia fuscous. Hindwing base white; a curved dark fuscous subbasal band; median area with dense scattering of dark fuscous scales; double subterminal line; four black terminal eye-spots each bearing a metallic dot near the inner edge, a white space between the inner and outer pair of eye-spots, yellow streaks between them; terminal cilia fuscous.

Male genitalia (Fig. 106): Uncus spatulate; gnathos almost as long as uncus, tapered and curved ventrally, spines near apex; valva simple, costa slightly concave in basal half, saccus almost squared; aedeagus slender, cornuti comprising a spiny patch.

Female genitalia (Fig. 165): Ostium wide; ductus membranous, slender, about equal in length to corpus bursae; corpus waisted with signa comprising two spiny patches, some scobination in anterior half.

Tympanal organs: Venulae straight, widely separated and diverging near tympanal organs.

Diagnosis: Distinguished by the conspicuous white spot between eyespots 3 and 4 of the hindwing, on the inner side.

Derivation: From the white marking between eyespots 3 and 4.

Biology: Unknown, adults recorded xi–v.

Distribution: Southern Africa: South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabe, Malawi, Tanzania.

Material examined: Holotype ♂ Malawi — Central Region | Lilongwe District 1270m | Dzalanyama Forest Lodge| E 033˚ 26.633´S 14˚ 15.257| 14–14.ii.2004 A.J. Kingston; 4 paratypes, 1♂ same data as holotype DJLA slide No. 1134, 1♀ same data but date 22.x.04, 2♀ same locality 13 & 14.x.2002, D.J.L. Agassiz.

TANZANIA: 3♀ (2 without abdomen), Kiwanda Camp (ZMC); 1♂ (Ruaha BMNH), SOUTH AFRICA: 1♀ Natal (BMNH), 1♂ Cape (BMNH), 1♂ 15♀ (1 - abd) Panza, 4♀ (1 - abd) Umzinto, 2♀ Nkwaleni, 1♂ 1♀ (- abd) Malelane, 10♂ 13♀, Lower Sabi 1♂, Nwanedzi 1♀, Oakford Priory, Nat. 3♂, Marieps Mnt. 1♂, Skukuza, Tvl. 1 ♂ 3♀ 1♀?(-abd) Crocodile Bridge, 1♀ Lundi River Bridge, 1♀ Durban, Nat., 1♂ Malta Forest, Pietersburg Dist., 1♀ Sarnia (Natal), 1♀ Louwscreek (TMP); MOZAMBIQUE: 1♀ Maronga Forest (TMP); ZAMBIA: 1♀ Chiwefwe, N. Rh. (TMP); ZIMBABWE: 20♂ 17♀ 3(-abd) Victoria Falls (TMP); MALAWI: 4♀ Lilongwe, 1 ♀ Mulanje, 1♂ 5♀ Dzalanyama (AJK).