Pagurus tanneri (Benedict, 1892)

(Fig. 45N)

Eupagurus tanneri Benedict, 1892: 10.

Pagurus tanneri. — Holmes 1900: 140. — Rathbun 1904: 158, pl. 4, fig. 7. — Schmitt 1921: 133, fig. 8. — Makarov 1962: 184, pl. 5, fig. 5. — Pereyra & Alton 1972: 450. — McLaughlin 1974: 216, figs. 55, 56. — Hart 1982: 142, fig. 53. — Wicksten 1988a: 243; 1989b: 314. — Lemaitre & Castaño 2004: 79.

Diagnosis. Rostrum triangular, longer than lateral projections of carapace. Eyestalk short and stout, cornea dilated, ocular scale with sharp points. Major cheliped stout, slightly shorter than pereopods 2, 3; merus setose, carpus with small dorsal spines, serrate margins; hand spiny, with raised triangular ridge, small spines on fingers, margin setose. Minor cheliped smaller, slender, hand slightly swollen on left side, with curved raised ridge edged with 2 rows of spines on palm; fingers elongate. Pereopods 2, 3 slender, carpus, merus with dorsal serrate edges, dactyls slightly longer than propodi, curved; with dorsal setae, small ventral spines. Telson asymmetrical, with lateral notches, terminal margin with median notch, teeth. Uropods asymmetrical. Carapace length 18.1 mm.

Color in life. Mostly orange to scarlet. Chelipeds with white spines and granules; palm yellowish. orange with white apex, cornea black, antennal flagellum scarlet. Hart (1982) gave a more detailed description of the living color.

Habitat and depth. Boulders of lower continental shelf and slope, 91–1372 m; usually deeper than 390 m in California.

Range. Bering Sea and Unalaska to off Point Loma, San Diego County, California. Type locality Clarence Strait, Alaska.

Remarks. This species often lives in shells of Neptunea sp. or Bathybembix bairdi (Dall, 1889). Stalked barnacles, family Scalpellidae, may attach to the shell.