Rhinolithodes wosnessenskii Brandt, 1848

(Fig. 39K)

Rhinolithodes wosnessenskii Brandt, 1848: 174. — Schmitt 1921: 158, pl. 22, fig. 1, fig. 103. — Makarov 1962: 260, fig. 104. — Hart 1982: 74, fig. 21. — Dawson 1989: 319. — Jensen 1995: 72, fig. 141.

Diagnosis. Carapace tuberculate, somewhat triangular, with deep semicircular fossa separating cardiac region from other parts of carapace. Rostrum blunt at base, tapering abruptly to median spine. Chelipeds unequal, armed with short spines. Pereopods 2–4 also with short spines. Abdomen with small tubercles. Carapace length to 59 mm.

Color in life. Mostly yellowish to grayish brown, markings of orange, cream in carapace depression; see Hart (1982) for a detailed color description.

Habitat and depth. Rock or gravel bottoms, often in crevices, 6–73 m.

Range. Kodiak, Alaska to Crescent City, California. Type localities Sitka and Kodiak, Alaska.