Pasiphaea tarda Kröyer, 1845

(Fig. 9 J–N)

Pasiphaea tarda Kröyer, 1845: 434. — Butler 1980: 56. — Krygier & Pearcy 1981: 79. — Baba et al. 1986: 99, fig. 58. — Hendrickx & Estrada-Navarrete 1989: 112; 1996: 96, fig 60. — Wicksten 2002: 134.

Diagnosis. Exoskeleton thin. Postfrontal tooth extending forward as blade-like extension of carapace. Carapace with middorsal carina extending along entire dorsal midline, with small branchiostegal tooth supported by short carina, Y-shaped carina along branchial region but not reaching posterior margin, slight carina dorsal to Y-shaped carina. Stylocerite longer than eye. Scaphocerite with lateral tooth exceeding blade. Pereopods 1, 2 particularly stout, heavy, both with spinules on merus. All abdominal somites with distinct dorsal carina. Telson with dorsal groove, V-shaped posterior notch, not as long as uropods. Male total length 152 mm, female 215 mm.

Color in life. Crimson (Baba et al. 1986: fig. 58).

Habitat and depth. Pelagic, 0–2400 m, usually at 200–2000 m (Krygier & Pearcy 1981).

Range. Arctic to Hokkaido, Japan; Unalaska to Ecuador, Arctic to Greenland in Atlantic. Type locality off Greenland.