Parapasiphae cristata Smith, 1884

(Fig. 8A)

Parapasiphae cristata Smith, 1884: 388, pl. V, fig. 3. — Word & Charwat 1976: 193. — Krygier & Pearcy 1981: 81. — Hendrickx & Estrada-Navarrete 1989: 112. — Wicksten 2002: 133.

Diagnosis. Rostrum extending to cornea of eye. Dorsal carina of carapace with at most 1 or 2 teeth. Groove along branchial region. Cornea of eye lightly pigmented. Eyestalk terminating in distinct curved tubercle. Exopods of maxillipeds, pereopods heavy, prominent. Pereopods 1, 2 chelate, merus of each with minute spinules. Fingers of chela of pereopod 2 longer than palm. Pereopods 3–5 reduced. Most abdominal somites without carina, somite 4 with dorsal carina ending in posterior tooth. Telson slightly shorter than inner uropod. Total length 86.9 mm. (Diagnosis based on specimen from Velero IV station 10675, off Guadalupe I., Mexico, LACM).

Color in life. Not reported.

Habitat and depth. Pelagic, 400–2870 m (Krygier & Pearcy 1981).

Range. Oregon to Baja California, Mexico; North Atlantic. Type locality off New Jersey.