Scaeosopha sabahensis Sinev et Li sp. nov.

(Figs. 14, 38)

Description. Adult (Fig. 14): Wingspan 13.0–16.5 mm. Head with frons whitish-yellow, black laterally, vertex and scale tuft behind compound eye black. Antenna with scape black dorsally, whitish-yellow ventrally; flagellum black with whitish-yellow annuli dorsally, deep-yellow ventrally. Labial palpus whitish-yellow; second segment black at base and on outer surface, with a subapical black annulus; third segment with a black annulus at base, black at apex. Thorax and tegula black. Forewing grayish-white, suffused with black scales, black scales much denser basally and distally, forming a large basal patch and a diffused distal blotch; costal margin with a black spot at 1/3 length; cell with an elliptical black spot at end, edged with whitish-yellow along outside; cilia whitish-yellow mottled black scales. Hindwing and cilia deep-gray. Legs grayish-yellow, fore leg black on ventral surface, mid tibia and tarsus black and deep-yellow on outer side. Abdomen leaden dorsally, grayish-white ventrally.

Male genitalia (Fig. 38): Brachia of uncus sticklike, narrowed subapically, then slightly widened to rounded apex. Valva irregularly rectangular, costa strongly convex medially, ventral margin straight, terminal rounded; valvella beak-shaped, same length as valva. Anellus sclerotized, nearly a semicircular plate with long arms, apex rounded, reaching base of brachia of uncus. Phallus evenly broad, coiled at middle, with a large cornutus and a row of dense cornuti before apex.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype ♂, MALAYSIA: N. Borneo, Sabah [3°11' N, 116° 2' E], 45 km on rd. K. Kinabalu Tambunan; 116.20E 5.5N, 12.xii.1987; a[t]. l[ight].; 1000 m, [coll.] J. Huisman, genitalia slide no. ZZWGW003 (RMNH, Leiden).

Paratypes: 2 ♂, MALAYSIA: N. Borneo, Sabah, Keningau-Kimanis KM 24, 1350 m, a. l. top of ridge, 19.xi.[19]87, coll. R. de Jong (RMNH, Leiden); 1 ♂, Borneo, Sabah, Crockerrange, 40 km S of Kota Kinabalu, Sinsuronrd, 1500 m, RMNH, 18–20.xii.1989, coll. J. Huisman (RMNH, Leiden).

Distribution. Malaysia.

Diagnosis. This new species is similar to S. hongkongensis sp. nov., but can be separated from it by the grayish-white forewing with distal 2/5 covered with dense black scales; the eighth segment lacks pleural lobes and the valva is irregularly rectangular in male (Fig. 38). In S. hongkongensis sp. nov., the yellow forewing has an arrowhead-shaped black patch near apex; the pleural lobes of the eighth segment are very broad and heavily sclerotized, and the valva is broadly subtriangular (Fig. 35).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the type locality, Sabah, Malaysia.