Acidostoma pectinata Gurjanova, 1962

Acidostoma pectinata Gurjanova, 1962: 55, fig. 1. ― Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 457.

Diagnostic description. Mandible molar absent . Maxilla 1 palp small , 1-articulate, with apical slender seta. Maxilliped inner plate small; outer plate without subapical notch. Pereopods 5 and 6 merus broader than long. Epimeron 3 posteroventral corner not produced, forming a spine. Uropod 1 peduncle dorsolateral margin with more than 10 robust setae. Uropod 2 peduncle dorsolateral margin castellate, with very short setae. Uropod 3 reaching to about the end of the peduncle of uropod 2; rami shorter than peduncle, without plumose setae; outer ramus article 2 small. Telson broader than long, moderately cleft (about 50%).

Remarks. See remarks under A. molarifera.

Distribution. Okhotsk Sea and Kuril Islands, western North Pacific Ocean; about 200–300 m depth.