Anisakis brevispiculata Dollfus, 1966

Adult (stomach).

QUINTANA ROO: Isla Cozumel: Kogia breviceps (González-Solís et al. 2006).

Specimens in collections: CHCM (500).

Anisakis pegreffii Campana-Rouget & Biocca, 1955

Adult (intestine).

BAJA CALIFORNIA: Isla Guadalupe: Mirounga angustirostris (Schroeder & Wegeforth 1935; Caballero y Caballero & Peregrina 1938).

Specimens in collections: CNHE (2553); USNPC (33057).

Notes: Both records were made as Anisakis similis, but this species is a synonym of A. pegreffii (see Rocka, 2006).

Anisakis simplex (Rudolphi, 1809)

Adult (intestine).

QUINTANA ROO: Isla Cozumel: Kogia breviceps (González-Solís et al. 2006).

YUCATÁN: Progreso: Kogia breviceps (González-Solís et al. 2006).

Specimens in collections: CHCM (501); CNHE (5700).

Anisakis sp .

Larvae (feces, stomach).

BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR: Los Islotes: Zalophus californianus (Méndez 2002).

VERACRUZ: Punta Villa Rica: Feresa attenuata (Aguilar-Aguilar et al. 2002).

QUINTANA ROO: Playa Kantenah: Stenella clymene (Aguilar-Aguilar et al. 2010)

Specimens in collections: CNHE (4520, 7275).

Anisakis typica (Diesing, 1860)

Adult (intestine).

BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR: Bahía de La Paz: Stenella longirostris (Aguilar-Aguilar et al. 2001).

Specimens in collections: CNHE (4023).

Contracaecum ogmorhini Johnston & Mawson, 1941

Larvae (brain).

BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR: Isla Asunción: Zalophus californianus (Flores-Barroeta & Hidalgo-Escalante 1961).

Adult (intestine).

BAJA CALIFORNIA: Isla San Benito: Zalophus californianus (Schroeder & Wegeforth 1935); Isla Coronado: Zalophus californianus (Fagerholm & Gibson 1987). BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR: Isla Asunción: Zalophus californianus (Flores-Barroeta & Hidalgo-Escalante 1961).

Specimens in collections: USNPC (41790.01-2).

Notes: This material was identified as Contracaecum osculatum, and re-identified by Fagerholm and Gibson (1987) as C. ogmorhini.

Contracaecum osculatum Rudolphi, 1802

Adult (intestine).

BAJA CALIFORNIA: Isla Guadalupe: Mirounga angustirostris (Caballero y Caballero & Peregrina 1938).

Specimens in collections: CNHE (1997).

Pseudoterranova ceticola (Deardorff & Overstreet, 1981)

Adult (intestine).

QUINTANA ROO: Bahía de Mujeres: Kogia breviceps (CNHE); Isla Cozumel: Kogia breviceps (Gonález-Solís et al. 2006). YUCATÁN: Progreso, El Cuyo: Kogia breviceps (González-Solís et al. 2006).

Specimens in collections: CHCM (502); CNHE (4674, 5702).

Angiostrongylidae (Boehm & Gebauer, 1934)